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Super Bowl 2017- Your Responsibility for Hosting a Safe Party this Sunday!

The Super Bowl is one of the most watched sporting events of the year. Millions will tune in to root for their favorite team (or their favorite commercials)! This Super Bowl Sunday is a great time to get together with fellow fans, friends, and family to enjoy some friendly jabs as well as good food and drink. Whether you’re hosting the party this year or heading to the local sports bar- have fun, but remember- keep it in check! Here are some quick reminders.
Hosting a Party- Your Responsibility
Not only are you responsible for providing food, drinks, and plenty of it, but perhaps the most important responsibility you have is keeping your guests safe. If you are serving beer, wine, or liquor, please consider:
- When guests arrive, keep their car keys in a designated spot only to be returned if they are able to drive sober.
- Verify your guests have determined their designated driver before they begin drinking.
- Serve plenty of food, especially protein-rich foods. Don’t forget non-alcoholic drinks for the designated drivers!
- Stop serving liquor in the 3rd quarter. Begin serving coffee and dessert.
- Do not let anyone who seems impaired leave your home. Keep their keys and call them a cab or have them sleep on the couch.
Underage Drinking
You may be one of the cool parents who let their teens host a Super Bowl party at your place. Great! Keep it alcohol free and keep any liquor in your home locked away. It is against the law in Rhode Island for a host to permit an underage person to consume alcohol at their residence or property. If an adult is charged with this violation, they can seek a fine of $350-$1,000 and/or prison time. There is also possibility of a civil lawsuit depending on circumstances.
Social Host Liability in RI Social Host Liability in MA
Attending a Super Bowl Party?
If you are planning to drink, remember:
- Designate your driver prior to getting your first drink.
- Pace yourself and alternate your beers or drinks with a glass of water.
- Eat plenty of food.
- If you have been drinking, or just plain overtired, do not get in the car and drive. Call a cab or a driving service like Uber.
- Do not get in the car with anyone that is drinking or has been drinking.
Please enjoy this Super Bowl 2017 and most importantly, be safe, and keep your loved ones safe. We hope you never have the misfortune of being injured due to an impaired driver this Super Bowl Sunday, or anytime. If you, your child, or another loved one has been hit by a drunk driver in Rhode Island or injured in a car crash, you need legal advice. Do not delay in calling a Personal Injury Lawyer in RI as there are time limits on your claim. Get a free, professional, consultation about your injury case, and your rights from Tapalian Law. Contact Attorney David Tapalian, your RI car accident lawyer, at 401-552-5000 or with our online contact form.