
Articles Posted in Slip & Falls


My Child Was Hurt at a Birthday Party. Can the Host Be Held Liable for His or Her Injuries & Medical Bills?

Your child is at the home of a classmate for a birthday party. During the party, you receive a phone call from the classmate’s parent- your son or daughter fell down some steps and cut their chin open and may need stitches. As you drive your upset child to the…


Barrington Sisters Die in Tragic Slip & Fall Accident

What started out as a routine weekly dinner among three sisters sadly turned deadly this past Friday in Barrington, Rhode Island. Elderly sisters, 97-year-old twins Jean Haley and Martha Williams, and younger sister 89-year-old Mary Jacobs returned from dinner to Haley’s RI home around 8:30pm amidst chilling windy conditions. It appears…


How to Prevent Injuries in a Fall- From “Professionals” in the Business

The most common cause of injury seen in emergency rooms in the United States, falls can occur at any age. Though many falls are harmless, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 5 falls causes a serious injury such as a broken bone or head…


Prevent Nursing Home Falls To Avoid Head Injuries

A fall can cause a traumatic brain injury or TBI, which includes concussions. Elderly people are more susceptible to falls because the ability to balance decreases with age, and they may have more difficulty walking without assistance. For this reason, falls in nursing homes are common because of the number…


Tread Lightly this Winter- Your snow removal responsibility in Rhode Island

As slippery conditions ensue, we all dread the added time and expense it takes to remedy the snowy and icy conditions. In Rhode Island, homeowners and business owners are responsible for proper snow and ice removal in a reasonable amount of time. The term “reasonable” is defined differently in each…


Can I Sue Another Person For My Workplace Injury?

If you are injured on the job in Massachusetts, your injury is probably covered by workers’ compensation. Under Massachusetts workers’ compensation laws, an injured employee who requires medical treatment or is out of work for more than six days receives compensation for his medical expenses and lost income. However, workers’…


Winter Slip And Fall Safety Tips

Snow covered trees, ice glistening from rooftops, and snow falling on a cold winter’s night while you sit by the fireplace may sound very appealing — until you try to walk on ice and snow covered walkways. Winter weather creates some of the most beautiful landscapes in Rhode Island, but…


Be Careful What You Post On Social Media – How Social Sharing Impacts Your Rhode Island Accident Claim

Thanks to sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, people can share the details of their lives with friends and family every second of the day. People post everything from what they are eating for breakfast and where they are eating dinner to how irritated they are standing in line at…


How do I know if I have a Slip and Fall Claim in Rhode Island and Massachusetts?

By David Tapalian February 17th, 2016        The slip and fall season is upon us! Slip and falls can happen anywhere at anytime. Let’s focus on the most prevalent; slip and fall accidents due to a business owner/manager failing to keep a walk way or area clear and clean.   With…

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