
Articles Posted in Auto Accidents


Driver Assistance Technologies- Sorting Through the Options (Part 2)

With countless safety options available on newer vehicles today, it is understandable the choices can be overwhelming. However, it’s worth taking the time to understand, even in simple terms, what options are available as many of them are expected to, or have already proven to, assist in preventing car crashes…


Driver Assistance Technologies- Sorting Through The Options (Part 1)

In 2016, over 37,000 people died in motor vehicle accidents. The majority of fatal crashes each year are due to driver error, or driver choice, and most are preventable. In addition to awareness programs bringing attention to drunk driving and distracted driving, the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA) is…


Rhode Island Traffic Fatalities Up 63% in 2017

Rhode Island traffic fatalities are at their highest since 2008, with 83 traffic related fatalities seen in the state in 2017. This is a jump from 51 traffic deaths seen in 2016 and 2014 in Rhode Island. Ironically, 2015 saw the lowest number of traffic fatalities in RI, 45, since…


Distracted Driving Worsens with New Auto Technology, Reports AAA

In our tech-savvy society, we constantly want faster and better technology. Automakers scramble to keep up with continually updated tech demands by cramming more intricate technology options into our vehicles. Cars used to have only a small number of buttons and knobs. Now, automakers have upped the ante by adding…


USDOT Releases 2016 Fatal Traffic Crash Data

On October 6th, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released fatal crash data for 2016. NHTSA data reports a 5.6% rise in traffic fatalities from 2015. Collected from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, data shows that 37,461 lives were lost on U.S.…


Self-Driving Cars Could Be on The Road Sooner Than You Think

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill last week that would speed the introduction of self-driving cars to the road. Following a rise in deadly car crashes in recent years after a decline, proponents say that self-driving vehicles could help remove the human error factor that causes about 94%…


Rhode Island Law May Soon Require Rear-Facing Car Seats for Toddlers

Rhode Island has taken a big step toward protecting young children. The Rhode Island House of Representatives recently passed legislation to require young children under the age of two, or weighing less than 30 pounds, to ride in rear-facing car seats in vehicles. The bill will now move onto the…


Rear-End Accidents On Martha’s Vineyard

It is easy to see why so many people choose Martha’s Vineyard as a vacation destination — it is a gorgeous place to relax and unwind. Unfortunately, it is also easy to see how a driver could cause a rear-end accident because he or she is distracted by the scenery.…


Why Do I Need Underinsured Motorist Insurance In Massachusetts And Rhode Island?

Thousands of people are injured in motor vehicle accidents throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island each year. Massachusetts and Rhode Island require drivers to carry liability insurance to protect others in the event the driver causes a motor vehicle accident. Liability insurance pays damages to victims of a car accident when…

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