
Articles Posted in Pedestrian Accident


A 2017 New Year’s Resolution For Safe Driving

People make all kinds of New Year’s resolutions from losing weight to improving their finances. Even though almost half of Americans admit they make New Year’s resolutions, only about eight percent of those individuals will keep their resolutions and reach their goals. One resolution that every driver should make and…


Preventing Underage Drinking During The Holidays

How serious is underage drinking during the holidays? According to information from the Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), more than 11,000 young people between the ages of 12 and 17 years will try alcohol for the first time on any given day during December. With approximately 400…


Watch Out For Fatigued Driving This Holiday Season!

Are you busy decorating your home for the holidays? Does it seem you are always on the road running errands or shopping? Do you feel as if you are simply dragging because you are exhausted? If so, you could be at risk for a fatigued driving accident this holiday season.…


Winter Slip And Fall Safety Tips

Snow covered trees, ice glistening from rooftops, and snow falling on a cold winter’s night while you sit by the fireplace may sound very appealing — until you try to walk on ice and snow covered walkways. Winter weather creates some of the most beautiful landscapes in Rhode Island, but…


What Happens When There Is Road Debris In Your Way?

As a driver, you face many hazards on the roads. From other drivers and traffic congestion to weather and road debris, road conditions can quickly cause a motor vehicle accident. When road debris causes a collision with injury and damages, who is responsible for the compensating the accident victims? Actions…


What Are Considered Catastrophic Injuries In A Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Accident?

A catastrophic injury can happen in any motor vehicle accident, but they are especially common in truck accidents. The difference in size and weight between a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle leaves the occupants of the passenger vehicle at a very high risk for catastrophic injuries. Sadly, catastrophic injuries…


Things NOT To Do After A Rhode Island Car Accident

You read a lot about what you should do after a car accident. While this is very good information to have, you also should know what NOT to do after a car accident. Protecting Yourself After A Car Accident Some of the things you do after a car accident can…


Be Careful What You Post On Social Media – How Social Sharing Impacts Your Rhode Island Accident Claim

Thanks to sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, people can share the details of their lives with friends and family every second of the day. People post everything from what they are eating for breakfast and where they are eating dinner to how irritated they are standing in line at…


10 Bicycle Safety Tips to Prevent a Bicycle Accident in RI & Mass

Beautiful fall weather abound. It’s the perfect time of year for a bike ride in New England. Whether enjoying a leisurely bike ride with the kids or cycling competitively, the cooler temperatures are perfect. Riding a bike is a fun activity to do with friends or alone, not to mention…


Pedestrian Killed By Bus In Providence

According to The Providence Journal, a 30-year-old Cumberland woman walking to work on August 24 died after being struck by a Peter Pan bus. The bus struck Michelle Cagnon as she crossed East Approach in front of the Alex and Ani City Center ice skating rink. It appears that the…

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