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Immediately after a car accident, it is essential to file an accident report with the police. You should do this even if you are not yet sure whether you’ve sustained serious injuries and even if you are not yet clear on whether or not your vehicle has sustained serious damage.

Why Should I File A Police Report After A Car Accident?

There are several different additional reasons for filing a police report even in the event that the accident seems to be minor. This is because you may not notice all of the damage your car has sustained immediately. The other party could make false claims about the accident later.  It’s important to have a written record of what happened. The other party may admit fault to you in the immediate aftermath of the accident but change his or her mind after the fact. It is also a good idea because injured parties might not be aware of their health issues until a few days or weeks later. In any case, contact the police as soon as an accident happens.

According to research conducted by the Atlanta National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 280,000 individuals suffer a traumatic brain injury linked to a car accident every single year. This is the second largest cause of traumatic brain injuries with 20% of all brain damage being related to a motor vehicle accident. This is just slightly behind the leading cause of fall accidents which make up 28% of traumatic brain injuries.

Whiplash And Brain Injuries Go Together

When compared with the number of hospitalizations, however, brain damage associated with traffic accidents makes up a greater proportion of these cases. One of the leading causes for a traumatic brain injury in a car accident is whiplash. This is because when your head is suddenly moved forward and then back in a vehicle crash where your car comes to a stop, your brain will also move. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, you could be dealing with severe injuries. A traumatic brain injury induced by a motor vehicle accident may form the basis of a personal injury claim. Individuals who sustain a traumatic brain injury may not even realize that they have suffered one until hours or days later.

Trying to prevent car accidents is especially of interest for individuals who have young children. One of the most important things you can do is ensure that your child is protected every time you get behind the wheel. Even if you choose the best car seat on the market, if you do not use it or install it properly, you are putting your baby at significant risk.

According to research conducted by Safe Kids Worldwide, this happens as much as 73% of the time. The car seat should always be adjusted for the child’s weight, height, and age. Many parents do not realize that car seats in Rhode Island actually have an expiration date.

Inspect Your Child Safety Seat

Get ready for the Textalyzer.  Yes you read that right, the Textalyzer,  not Breathalyzer.  In yesterday’s NY Times there was an article giving us a glimpse into the future.  Even though most states have banned texting by driving, the problem is not going away.  People are still texting while driving, and public health officials want to treat it similar to drinking and driving.    The founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Candace Lightner, has helped form a new group this year Partnership for Distraction Free Driving to discourage multitasking by drivers.   The Textalyzer is one such idea being pushed in New York.

Here is how it would work.  An officer would ask you for your phone when he arrived at the scene of the accident.  With his computer he would then read your phones data as it pertained to texting.  If you don’t hand over the phone it would be similar to a refusal to take a Breathalyzer with similar loss of license penalties. This isn’t the law yet but it is one idea being proposed.  Presently law enforcement requires a warrant to access your cell phone records, but it is a timely process.  But many people argue those protections are there for good reason.  Is this going too far?  What about peoples privacy rights?  Is it worth the loss of privacy to hopefully save lives?  What do you think?

Injured In An Accident By A Distracted Driver

Attorneys typically earn their pay in several different ways depending on the kind of work that they are doing. Usually in personal injury cases, many attorneys accept payment through what is known as a contingency fee agreement. This can be to your benefit in the event that you need to move forward with a personal injury claim but you are already struggling to meet the mounting medical bills and other ramifications associated with your injuries.

Basics of Contingency Fees

A contingency fee simply means that the attorney will take his or her pay out of the settlement, whether this is a negotiation or through litigation. Injured people usually do not have funds necessary to pay their attorney on an hourly rate which is why many personal injury attorneys in Rhode Island work on a contingency fee basis.

Illegal To Text And Drive, But What About Reading A Text?

Most people living in the state of Rhode Island are already familiar with the fact that it is illegal to text and drive. Unfortunately, many people might not realize that this also extends to reading a text message while you’re operating a vehicle. According to research and the Rhode Island legislature, reading a text message can be classified as a form of distracted driving because it could lead to devastating car accidents and generate injuries for others.

Injured In An Accident By A Distracted Driver

Some Injuries Take Time To Materialize

As a result of the adrenaline rush or experience of going through shock after a serious car accident or motorcycle accident in Rhode Island, you may not be aware of the full extent of your injuries for hours, days, or weeks after the accident has happened.

Even Minor Injuries Should Be Treated

I Have A Lawyer, But Should I Talk To Someone Else?

If you have contacted an attorney as soon as possible after you have been injured in a serious car accident in Rhode Island, you have made an important first step towards protecting your rights as well as your future. Unfortunately, not every single attorney will be the right fit for you. There are some instances in which you may be unhappy with your Rhode Island personal injury lawyer as well as the legal counsel in your case.

You Have Every Right To Hire Another Attorney

All car accidents throughout Rhode Island can lead to serious problems, so it’s never a good idea to ignore getting medical attention or speaking with a personal injury attorney just because you believe that the accident was minor. In fact, it is common for individuals to not realize the full extent of their injuries until several days after a car accident.

Why Should I Always Get Legal Help?

Being involved in a car accident in Rhode Island can disrupt your life in many ways. From the moment that you are hit in the accident to the time when all settlement issues are finally cleared up, you will be facing numerous challenges. With the magnitude of the accident, these challenges only increase.

Evaluating Witness Statements After A Serious Accident

When authorities are called to the scene of a multi-car accident in Rhode Island, there are many different witnesses that can share various versions of what happened. It can be difficult to determine who was at fault in a collision like this. Physical evidence, of course, will tend to support one driver’s version of the events over the others, but witness statements made by individuals who were not in any vehicles at the time could be essential for establishing claims about which party was essentially at fault. Credibility is a very important component of evaluating a witness statement after an automobile accident.

Some of the factors that judges or juries take into consideration include:

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