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The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety indicates that close to 90% of drivers engaged in at least one risky behavior while operating a vehicle in just the past month. These unsafe behaviors include driving impaired, distracted or drowsy as well as refusing to wear a seatbelt, running a red light or speeding. In 2014, nearly 33,000 Americans died as a result of car crashes. 2015 data indicate that there could be as high as a 9% increase in these numbers.

Bad Behavior Still Prevalent Despite Personal Connections with Accidents 

Although many people have experienced the personal ramifications of car accidents, since one in three drivers have had a relative or friend who are seriously injured or killed in an accident and one in five have been involved in some kind of serious accident, these common unsafe behaviors still persist. 70% of drivers reported talking on a cellphone while driving in the last 30 days. One third of them reported doing this regularly. Just over 40% of drivers admitted to reading emails or text messages while driving in the last month.

Be Alert Around Work Zone Crews

Although there are usually plenty of brightly colored signs and even workers on a construction zone to give you an indication that it is appropriate to slow down, there are also several other steps you can take to avoid being in an accident or facing a serious fine. In Rhode Island, traffic fines are doubled in a work zone when there are signs posted, even if there are no workers present.

Many individuals are already familiar with the concept of driving carefully and minimizing their speed when moving through these areas. Even though slowing down might seem inconvenient, it can dramatically reduce the chances that you’ll be involved in a serious car collision in Rhode Island.

Suffering From Whiplash After An Accident?

The aftermath of a car accident in Rhode Island can be unnerving at best, but having to deal with all the medical implications of a serious injury can seem overwhelming. If one of your medical conditions post-accident is whiplash, you might be finding that it’s difficult to carry on with your everyday life while dealing with the pain. One thing to remember in this situation is that you don’t have to sign anything before you talk to a personal injury lawyer.

Is Whiplash Serious Enough For Compensation?

By David Tapalian February 17th, 2016


The slip and fall season is upon us! Slip and falls can happen anywhere at anytime. Let’s focus on the most prevalent; slip and fall accidents due to a business owner/manager failing to keep a walk way or area clear and clean.   With wintery weather people are often encountering slip and falls. In order to have a viable slip and fall claim in RI and Mass three elements must be present: (1) Duty, (2) Breach of that duty or negligence, (3) Injuries.

  • Duty: Did the business owner or operator owe you a duty of care. This is usually the easiest element to satisfy. This is very fact specific but if you are travelling in the proper areas to enter, exit or walk within a building that you are a legal invitee, then the answer is a resounding yes. Some examples are the entrance of a store, apartment building or any lawful business or home.

By David Tapalian February 1st, 2016


One would think we may not have speeding tickets in the future. There was an interesting article on this subject in this weekend’s  Providence Journal.  I don’t know how realistic that is and I am not sure that anyone does at the moment. Yet, if the driverless car does kill the speeding ticket it will place a big gap in many municipal budgets throughout the country.  Chicago alone issues more than $1 billion in parking tickets and red light violations each year.

Without this revenue cities may have to find other sources; it could be increased property taxes.  Maybe some type of driverless car tax? With less speeding tickets certainly should come less car accidents in RI and Massachusetts and that is certainly a good thing.  However, the real question this article seems to pose is who will pay for the decrease in speeding ticket revenue. I think we will all find out in the not too distant future.

By David Tapalian January 28th 2016.


Often times clients contact us too late. When I ask them why they waited I get a host of different responses. Some say that they thought they would heal on their own and that their injury didn’t seem too serious. Others tell us that the insurance company said that they would pay for their medical bills and lost wages. Many tell me that they just didn’t think they had a case.

Delay can destroy or significantly weaken your personal injury claim in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.   It doesn’t matter if you were involved in a car accident, slip and fall, dog bite or a host of other injuries caused by the negligence of another; delay will cost you and cost you dearly.  Below are some specific examples of how delay can affect your case:

By David Tapalian January 20th 2016


Like every good relationship, the one between attorney and client must start off from a point of mutual disclosure and trust. Remember, the great majority of what you tell us is protected by the attorney client relationship. In almost all circumstances, even when our relationship ends, we still must respect your confidences. With that said, you should feel comfortable sharing information to your accident injury attorney. It is much better your car accident lawyer known any potential negative issues up front. Knowing these potential troublesome issue in the beginning, allows your car accident lawyer to obtain a better result for your accident in the end. When it comes to your car accident claim surprises are not good. Here is a list of a few essential items you should share with your car accident lawyer:

  • Marital Status

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration falling asleep at the wheel is a major cause of auto accidents. NHTSA Report .  Over 70,000 accidents and 800 deaths are caused by vehicle crashes where people fall asleep while driving.   According to the National Sleep Foundation there are a certain class of drivers more at risk than others for causing an accident in RI and Mass.  Some of these groups may surprise you.  It seems the greatest risk of falling asleep while driving a vehicle and then being in a car accident are adults ages 18-29. It’s not that this age group falls asleep easier, it is that they are more likely to push the boundaries and drive when they should be resting.  Men are twice more likely to drive when drowsy than women and are therefore in more car accidents due to drowsiness.  People that drive for a living are more likely to drive when they should be resting.

The bottom line is we all know the signs that we should stop and rest:

  • Missing exits.


By David Tapalian November 24th 2015


Many clients are afraid or embarrassed to speak about these issues with their doctors or their lawyer. Some seem to think having nightmares, nervousness, and fear of driving are just regular results of an auto accident in RI or Mass. Some people think post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) only happens to soldiers who have fought in battle. Well I can assure you that a traumatic accident often leads to PTSD.

However, like all aspects of your claim for damages against the person that caused the accident, you must treat to get better and to receive compensation for your injuries. PTSD can last for a week, month or sometimes years. What many clients are surprised about is that you can treat for PTSD due to a car accident in RI and Massachusetts and you can also receive compensation.  Here at Tapalian Law we will guide you through the entire process.   We are engaged with your treatment throughout.

By David Tapalian November 20, 2015


Insurance companies are well skilled in avoidance techniques when it comes to compensating victims of a car accident in RI and Mass. There seem to be common injuries that they have a set defense or argument already prepared. An experienced personal injury lawyer is an absolute necessity if you are injured or hurt in an accident.

This is not like some home improvement project that you can simply tackle on your own through hard work and study. The insurance companies must know that you have a lawyer on your side that will file for arbitration or a civil lawsuit if necessary. Though over 90% of our cases settle, the insurance companies know that if we have a client that was injured in a car accident in RI or Mass, and they do not offer fair compensation; then we will take all means necessary. Bottom line, even if you have minor injuries, if the accident was not your fault then you need representation. Call us today for a Free consultation.

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